Beim Guardian wird gerade die Position des Chefredakteurs neu besetzt. Alan Rusbridger (dem ich seit kurzem mit großer Begeisterung auf Instagram folge) wechselte im Dezember in die Rolle „Chair of the Scott Trust“ – und macht den Platz des Chefredakteurs frei.
beim @guardian stellen sich die möglichen Chefredakteure öffentlich vor: @janinegibson @KathViner @emilybell @wblau
— Dirk von Gehlen (@dvg) 23. Februar 2015
Auf der Seite stellen sich die vier Kandidatinnen/Kandidat für seine Nachfolge vor. Und völlig unabhängig davon, wer am Ende die journalistische Leitung beim Guardian übernehmen wird, sollte man die vier Bewerbungstexte lesen – denn sie sagen sehr viel über den Stand und den Wandel des (digitalen) Journalismus im Jahr 2015.
Ich habe ein paar Stellen markiert, die ich bemerkenswert finde. In allen vier Texten findet sich der Hinweis auf den technischen Wandel des Berufs, auf die notwendige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Verlag und Redaktion, zwischen Journalisten und Codern sowie auf eine neue Konferenz- und Arbeitsstruktur. Erstaunlich ebenfalls: Alle vier Texte handeln ebenso stark von der Arbeit eines Chefredakteurs wie von der Arbeit eines Redaktions-Managers.
Emily Bell schreibt:
The Guardian needs to be at the cutting edge of journalistic innovation, and to that means there has to be a closer link between editorial and product development. Our success in the future will be determined in part by how well we understand web technologies and integrate them into our reporting. We need to make smart decisions about which tools and platforms to develop, and make recruitment of the world’s best editorial technologists a priority.
My vision for the future of GNM is rooted in our history, my experience as a reporter and editor and the conversations I’ve had with hundreds of colleagues and peers around the world. It’s based on three core beliefs:
… Our role is more than ever to challenge the powerful on behalf of the powerless; we are best when brave.
…. Our commitment to deep reporting in service of this role will make us distinctive and sustainable in perpetuity.
… Our principle of openness should guide our decision making as well as our journalism.Everyone – moderators to developers – should feel able to contribute to what we make, how we think, how we run ourselves, and more. We’ve always been a journalists’ paper. Expanding what makes a journalist is part of our future.
Journalism and technology have merged. To produce and deliver journalism that is relevant today, we need a close relationship between editorial, product and engineers, developing stories together, working out what to do about mobile, loyalty, data; plus a super-charged approach to helping readers find our journalism.
New techniques mean readers can share expertise, help us find stories and make decisions. We host big communities and engaging conversations, whether below the line, with our professional audiences such as teachers, or between Guardian members at live events — we should build on these relationships and invite readers into our journalism at an early stage.
Print journalism as a genre will not disappear and we will need print expertise for many years to come. Especially our three weekly newspapers – the Saturday Guardian, The Observer and also The Guardian Weekly – absolutely can and should have a long and very successful future. The road ahead for our Monday to Friday newspaper is less clear, though. (…) When the Guardian was founded in 1821, it was a weekly newspaper for the first 15 years, then it added a Wednesday edition and only 34 years after its founding became a daily newspaper. (…)
The Guardian needs more editorial management and structure, not for the sake of efficiency, but to nurture creativity. (…) It is essential that we integrate our developers, data scientists and strategists into our newsrooms and have a mutually respectful and collaborative relationship with the CEO and our colleagues in the commercial teams.
Alle Hintergründe zum Ablauf der Wahl des neuen Chefredakteurs beim Guardian