„We find it very difficult as journalists to transform ourselves into people who also seek revenue.“
Zu diesem Schluß kommt Roy Greenslade (Professor of journalism at City University in London) in dem Guardian-Artikel Doing it for themselves, in dem das studentische Projekt Eastlondonlines vorgestellt wird, über das man dort lesen kann:
EastLondonLines is an independent news website produced by students and staff of Goldsmiths, University of London. It will be the virtual shadow of the new East London Line, connecting communities in virtual space, just as the new line connects them in physical space. For the first time the residents of Croydon can easily access the bars of Shoreditch, and a single Mum in Hackney can reasonably contemplate a job in Crystal Palace.
Die Studenten widmen sich also dem Bereich Londons, in dem künftig die Olympischen Spiele stattfinden werden. Zudem – so der Guardian-Bericht – denken sie wie Journalisten der Zukunft, jedenfalls bringt die 22-jährige Laurie Whitwell die Idee des Portals wie folgt auf den Punkt:
„With media jobs being cut, we are aiming to do it ourselves ‚Äì to make a living from our journalism.“