Now, more than ever, we need to protect the ideas, artistry, and our reputation for quality, provide our businesses with the incentives to make each new product better, reduce crimes related to intellectual property infringement and keep dangerous counterfeits out of our supply chain to protect our citizens. Strong intellectual property enforcement will help us to accomplish that. The Obama Administration has always embraced the free flow of information, online collaboration, and fair use by average citizens, which are also helping to advance our society and economy every day — this strategy does not target legitimate and legal activity. The Administration is technology-neutral, using both proprietary and open source platforms on the web and all content on is public domain, making it an active participant in the online communities of the 21st Century.
Im Blog des Weißen Hauses kündigt Victoria A. Espinel die Strategie der Obama-Regierung im Kampf für das geistige Eigentum an. Espinel leitet das „Office of the U.S. Intellectual Propery Enforcement Coordinator“ (IPEC).