Does She Look Like a Music Pirate? fragte die Business Week und erzählt die Geschichte von Tanya Andersen:
After being sued by the music industry for stealing songs and winning the case’s dismissal, Andersen is now taking the record industry to court. Her case is aimed at exposing investigative practices that are controversial and may be illegal, according to the lawsuit. One company hired by the record industry, she claims, snoops through people’s computers, uncovering private files and photos, even though it has no legal right to do so.
While the recording industry has gone after thousands of people, Andersen is unusual. Of the 40,000 people the RIAA says it has targeted for legal action, at most 100 have decided to defend themselves in court (…) Andersen, one of the few winners on all counts, is the first to file a broad lawsuit that has put the RIAA on the defensive.
Die Frau, die in der Nähe von Portland lebt, begründet ihren ungewöhnlichen Schritt so:
„For whatever reason, I have been given a unique opportunity to fight this. I feel a responsibility in a way and want to help others. That pushes me along.“