Social Proof für Nachrichten

Steve Outing, Autor der Kolumne Stop the Presses beim Branchendienst Editor&Publisher hat ein Weblog mit Tipps für Online-Journalisten gestartet. Es heißt und tut genau das: Vorschläge zur Verbesserung von News-Sites vermitteln. Wichtig – so Outing – sei beispielsweise der social proof von Nachrichten – „that simply means that you‚Äôll get more people to buy something ‚Äî or read something ‚Äî if they know that lots of other people have bought or read it“. Er schlägt deshalb vor: „So think about applying social proof to your news website. There are many possibilities, but here‚Äôs a simple one. Look in the right column of this website, where I have a ‚ÄúMost e-mailed‚Äù block listing articles that readers have sent to friends or colleagues ‚Äî with the exact number of e-mails sent. That‚Äôs a common feature on news sites, but most sites don‚Äôt include numbers, just a ranking. You don‚Äôt know if the most e-mailed story was sent to 5 people or 500,000.“ (via Ricochet)

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