Zehn Dinge für 2010

Im Editors Blog von Journalism.co.uk können sich Journalisten auf das neue Jahr vorbereiten – mit der Liste Ten things every journalist should know in 2010. Ich finde sie sehr herausfordernd, sie verlangt von einem Journalisten des Jahres 2010:

1. How to monitor Twitter and other social media networks for breaking news or general conversations …

2. Don`t become a slave to technology, make it your slave instead.

3. You are a curator. Like it or not, part of your role will eventually be to aggregate content (but not indiscriminately).

4. Your beat will be online and you will be the community builder

5. Core journalistic skills are still crucial.

6. Journalism needs a business model. If you don’t understand business, especially the business you work for, then it’s time to wake up.

7. You are your own brand – brand yourself online!

8. You need to collaborate!

9. Stories do not have to end once they are published online. Don‘ be afraid to revise and evolve a story or feature published online, but do it transparently

10. Technology is unavoidable, but it is nothing to fear and anyone of any age can master the basics.


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